Page 6 of News

How To Make Photovoltaic Products Float for 25 Years? - Part Two

How To Make Photovoltaic Products Float for 25 Years? - Part Two

  • Sep 26, 2020
  • Hits: 33

2. The challenge of floating photovoltaic on water The biggest challenge of floating photovoltaic on water surface lies not on water surface. The anti PID solutions under high temperature and high humidity...

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How To Make Photovoltaic Products Float for 25 Years? - Part One

How To Make Photovoltaic Products Float for 25 Years? - Part One

  • Sep 16, 2020
  • Hits: 33

How to make photovoltaic products float for 25 years? The range of floating photovoltaic products is very wide, including solar modules, floating solar racks, solar accessories, etc. -On August 8, Shanghai...

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Great Potential! 3GW FPV Plant Can Be Installed In A Colliery Pool

Great Potential! 3GW FPV Plant Can Be Installed In A Colliery Pool

  • Sep 11, 2020
  • Hits: 44

Great potential! 3GW floating solar photovoltaic power station can be installed in a German colliery pool. That means that the need of floating solar PV mounting is large accordingly. The Fraunhofer ISE...

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Brand New Floating Solar Power Park Launched in Holland

Brand New Floating Solar Power Park Launched in Holland

  • Sep 03, 2020
  • Hits: 41

Here is one brand new floating solar power park having been launched in Holland. Let us see it now. Evides Wateredrijf, a Dutch water supplier, has completed the construction of a 1.62 MW floating solar...

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South Korea Invested 2.1GW Solar Project of Floating PV Plant

South Korea Invested 2.1GW Solar Project of Floating PV Plant

  • Aug 27, 2020
  • Hits: 86

South Korea's ambition of floating photovoltaic power station: invest one 2.1GW solar project. This article introduces the main content of this huge solar projects and the relvant challenges including...

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Affected by Covid-19, Seychelles 5MW Floating PV Plant Was Delayed.

Affected by Covid-19, Seychelles 5MW Floating PV Plant Was Delayed.

  • Aug 20, 2020
  • Hits: 24

Affected by covid-19, the construction of Seychelles 5MW floating photovoltaic power station was delayed. Due to the spread of Covid-19, the travel was restricted accordingly and the construction of a...

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Reduce Risk of PV Rack Supply Chain by Adopting Steel Trade Mode?

Reduce Risk of PV Rack Supply Chain by Adopting Steel Trade Mode?

  • Aug 08, 2020
  • Hits: 16

With the spread of COVID-19, is it possible to reduce the risk of solar photovoltaic racks supply chain by adopting steel trade mode? Since the novel coronavirus (WHO) was listed as a world health emergency...

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Floating Solar PV Is Developing Rapidly in Asia Pacific Region

Floating Solar PV Is Developing Rapidly in Asia Pacific Region

  • Aug 04, 2020
  • Hits: 46

The floating solar photovoltaic is developing rapidly in Asia Pacific Region. Recently, a new report from Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) shows that the deployment of floating...

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Floating Solar PV System Is Becoming Popular in Southeast Asia

Floating Solar PV System Is Becoming Popular in Southeast Asia

  • Jul 29, 2020
  • Hits: 56

According to the latest report released by Institute of Energy Economics Financial Analysis (IEEFA) a few days ago, the floating photovoltaic solution is quietly becoming popular in Southeast Asia,...

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Safety Analysis of Buoy Mounting System for PV

Safety Analysis of Buoy Mounting System for PV

  • Jul 21, 2020
  • Hits: 35

With the development of photovoltaic industry, the land used for the construction of photovoltaic power stations is becoming more and more scarce. At the same time, in view of the problems restricting...

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Chinese Floating PV Reached The Second Development Peak - (2)

Chinese Floating PV Reached The Second Development Peak - (2)

  • Jul 15, 2020
  • Hits: 46

Regions in the south of the Yangtze River welcomes the second great development of floating solar photovoltaic on the water surface. With the development of solar photovoltaic industry, the land resources...

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Chinese Floating PV Reached The Second Development Peak - (1)

Chinese Floating PV Reached The Second Development Peak - (1)

  • Jul 07, 2020
  • Hits: 134

From Huainan-Huaibei area to the south of the Yangtze River - Chinese photovoltaic on water surface reached the second development peak. According to the portal website of the people's Government...

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How to Select Solar PV Floating Body?

How to Select Solar PV Floating Body?

  • Jun 26, 2020
  • Hits: 50

It is very essential to optimize floating body to meet the challenge of special environment. Then, How to select solar PV floating body ? In floating photovoltaic plants on water surface, the selection...

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The Second Batch of Leading PV Projects Are Mostly Floating Plants

The Second Batch of Leading PV Projects Are Mostly Floating Plants

  • Jun 18, 2020
  • Hits: 27

The second batch of photovoltaic "leaders" projects on water surface are mostly solar floating pv plants. Due to its advantages like land saving and high power generation, photovoltaic power...

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The Largest Floating PV System in Windsor, California

The Largest Floating PV System in Windsor, California

  • Jun 11, 2020
  • Hits: 83

It is reported that Dongfang Risheng provided solar pv modules for the largest floating photovoltaic system in Windsor, California. Recently, Global News of The United States reported that the largest...

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The First Floating PV Plant Was Operated Steadily in Hunan, China

The First Floating PV Plant Was Operated Steadily in Hunan, China

  • Jun 06, 2020
  • Hits: 124

The first floating solar photovoltaic Plant on water surface was operated steadily in Hunan Province, China. The installed capacity is 100,000 KW, and the annual power generation capacity is...

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Global Installed Capacity of FPV Will Reach 4.13GW by 2024

Global Installed Capacity of FPV Will Reach 4.13GW by 2024

  • May 28, 2020
  • Hits: 78

Recently, Research And Markets released the global floating solar energy market report in 2019. In 2017, the cumulative installed capacity of floating photovoltaic power stations around the world was...

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Electricity Can Be Generated on the Water?

Electricity Can Be Generated on the Water?

  • May 19, 2020
  • Hits: 30

Electricity can be generated on the water? Yes, it is. Floating PV Power Station can make it come ture. Moreover, there are many bright spots of floating photovoltaic power station! Breeze blows the lake,...

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Challenges of Floating PV Power Station

Challenges of Floating PV Power Station

  • May 11, 2020
  • Hits: 91

At present, the biggest challenge of water surface floating photovoltaic technology is the cost of floating pv system and soft cost. Photovoltaic modules and inverters belong to mature technologies. But...

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Installed Capacity of Floating PV Plant Will Increase Over 22%

Installed Capacity of Floating PV Plant Will Increase Over 22%

  • May 09, 2020
  • Hits: 67

According to the latest tracking and analysis, the global installed volume of floating photovoltaic power stations may exceed 2.4 gw by the end of 2019. And the annual installed volume will increase by...

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