Page 7 of News

Floating Solar PV = Solar Power Generation + Floating System

Floating Solar PV = Solar Power Generation + Floating System

  • Aug 24, 2019
  • Hits: 1158

How Floating Solar PV Technology Works? Floating solar PV technology, as its name suggests, refers to solar power generation plus a floating system. It features four core technologies, namely, stable...

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Where to Install Floating Solar Photovoltaic Projects

Where to Install Floating Solar Photovoltaic Projects

  • Aug 22, 2019
  • Hits: 148

Compared with traditional photovoltaics primary ground-mounted ones, floating solar photovoltaics  boast advantages such as saving land, reducing costs, increasing power generation, protecting water...

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Hot Spot Heating and PID Effect on PV Modules

Hot Spot Heating and PID Effect on PV Modules

  • Aug 20, 2019
  • Hits: 349

It is quite normal that floating PV modules may be degraded after long-term use, that's why they need periodic inspections and maintenance. Today, we will focus on two culprits responsible for the...

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How to Improve the Efficiency of Floating Solar Inverters

How to Improve the Efficiency of Floating Solar Inverters

  • Aug 19, 2019
  • Hits: 124

With solar energy, the costs associated with power generation will be reduced. One of the hottest topics in this industry is how to improve the efficiency of power conversion. In order to increase it...

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Solar Farms Floating to Alleviate Food Shortage

Solar Farms Floating to Alleviate Food Shortage

  • Aug 18, 2019
  • Hits: 35

According to Tech Insider, an American science and technological news website, climate change is getting worse, and growing population are pushing us to the edge of the global food crisis. By 2050, the...

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A Unique Synergy between Floating PV and Sewage Treatment Plants

A Unique Synergy between Floating PV and Sewage Treatment Plants

  • Aug 17, 2019
  • Hits: 35

By the end of 2017, a total of 8,591 sewage treatment plants had been built in China, of which 2,209 were built in cities, 1,572 were built in counties, and 4,810 were built in organic towns. The sewage...

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Will Floating Photovoltaics Become a New Growth Driver in China?

Will Floating Photovoltaics Become a New Growth Driver in China?

  • Aug 16, 2019
  • Hits: 26

Up to September, 2018, floating photovoltaics (FPV) have already delivered about 1.1 gigawatts (GW) of installations worldwide. If floating photovoltaics are built on 1% of the world's available water...

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How Can the Growing Demand for High-efficiency Solar PV Modules be Met?

How Can the Growing Demand for High-efficiency Solar PV Modules be Met?

  • Aug 15, 2019
  • Hits: 17

What can we do to meet the increasing market demand for high-efficiency solar panels and floating PV modules. Strategies are as follow. 1. Addressing the problems in government subsidy It is recommended...

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Demand for High-efficiency Solar Cells in Floating PV Market is Increasing

Demand for High-efficiency Solar Cells in Floating PV Market is Increasing

  • Aug 15, 2019
  • Hits: 30

After the triumph in 2014-2017, the floating PV industry reached its nadir in 2018. Under the guidance of national policies, the industry used to feature extensive growth and scale development, now focused...

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Cost Vs. Revenue Analysis of Floating PV Projects

Cost Vs. Revenue Analysis of Floating PV Projects

  • Aug 14, 2019
  • Hits: 389

There are different types of arrays of floating solar photovoltaic projects such as arrays with brackets and inclined arrays of floating bodies. Arrays with brackets can be installed at the optimal angle...

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Weal and Woe in China Floating Solar Market

Weal and Woe in China Floating Solar Market

  • Aug 13, 2019
  • Hits: 34

As the second batch of front-runner floating solar bases had been examined and approved, floating solar has become a new direction of technological transitions for solar photovoltaics. In recent years,...

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Floating Solar Panels - Renewable Energy Development Program

Floating Solar Panels - Renewable Energy Development Program

  • Aug 12, 2019
  • Hits: 17

Nowadays, people find that floating solar, which is a relatively new concept, is a new wave of renewable energy, which will contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set...

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Floating Solar - New Technology, New Challenges

Floating Solar - New Technology, New Challenges

  • Aug 10, 2019
  • Hits: 60

In 2017, the completion of the world's largest floating solar farm had attracted the attention of many first-class media outlets and industry peers at home and abroad.As workers flipped the switch...

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An Aerial View of Floating Solar Farms Causing Safety Concern

An Aerial View of Floating Solar Farms Causing Safety Concern

  • Aug 07, 2019
  • Hits: 168

Recently, a group of Google photos went viral in the floating solar circle at home and abroad. The photos presented the aerial view of a floating solar farm under construction in Huainan, Anhui. According...

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Floating Solar Photovoltaic Power Stations

Floating Solar Photovoltaic Power Stations

  • Aug 06, 2019
  • Hits: 57

In recent years, with the tremendous increase of road solar photovoltaic (PV) power plants, there is a critical shortage of land resource that can be used for installation and construction, which hinders...

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Floating PV Above Water While Aquaculture Underwater

Floating PV Above Water While Aquaculture Underwater

  • Aug 05, 2019
  • Hits: 95

The other day, Ni Qirong, who is in charge of a company that specializes in floating solar, took several employees to fish in the fish pond located in Xijin, Chikeng, Haifeng County, Shanwei. They gained...

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The Pros and Cons of Floating Solar Photovoltaics

The Pros and Cons of Floating Solar Photovoltaics

  • Aug 03, 2019
  • Hits: 511

Floating solar photovoltaics refer to solar photovoltaic power stations built on pools and ponds, small lakes, reservoirs and other water bodies to address the problem of traditional solar photovoltaics...

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Will Floating Solar Power Systems Cost Too Much?

Will Floating Solar Power Systems Cost Too Much?

  • Aug 02, 2019
  • Hits: 54

Concerning construction systems, there are mainly 2 types of water solar photovoltaic systems, namely, piling system and floating system. Compared with the latter, piling solar photovoltaic systems find...

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World's Largest Floating Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant

World's Largest Floating Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant

  • Aug 01, 2019
  • Hits: 40

The subsided mining area in Liulong Community, Tianji Township, Panji District, Huainan, Anhui had been occupied by water and consequently turned into a large area of water, covering more than 6000 mu....

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Floating Photovoltaics Market Expects to Have a CAGR of 4%

Floating Photovoltaics Market Expects to Have a CAGR of 4%

  • Jul 18, 2019
  • Hits: 23

According to a latest market research report launched by Technavio, the global floating photovoltaics market expects to have a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of nearly 4% and the market size will...

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