Page 5 of Industry News

China's Development Status of FPV

China's Development Status of FPV

  • Jan 12, 2021
  • Hits: 41

How is China's development status of floating solar PV? The floating photovoltaic power stations have been installed one after the other in Japan, Britain, South Korea and other countries....

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The Prospect And R&D of Floating Photovoltaic Power Stations

The Prospect And R&D of Floating Photovoltaic Power Stations

  • Jan 05, 2021
  • Hits: 42

This news is going to talk about the questions which are to be considered about R & D of the floating photovoltaic power stations on the water surface in China. 1. As an important floating pv mounting...

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Five Innovative PV Applications in the Future

Five Innovative PV Applications in the Future

  • Dec 24, 2020
  • Hits: 81

The well-known traditional application market of photovoltaic power generation should be the photovoltaic ground power station, the roof distributed power station in the industry and commerce and households,...

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What Is The Core Demand of Floating PV Power Station?

What Is The Core Demand of Floating PV Power Station?

  • Dec 16, 2020
  • Hits: 48

What is the core demand of floating pv power station? Five years ago, people still gave a smile that they did not trust floating pv or were worth looking forward to it. Five years later, with the floating...

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The World's Largest Single Water Surface FPV Plant Was Started

The World's Largest Single Water Surface FPV Plant Was Started

  • Dec 09, 2020
  • Hits: 104

The world's largest single water surface floating photovoltaic power station was under construction in Dezhou, Shandong Province. On November 5, the 200MW photovoltaic power generation project...

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Global Floating PV Market Is Expected To Grow Explosively-Part Two

Global Floating PV Market Is Expected To Grow Explosively-Part Two

  • Dec 04, 2020
  • Hits: 41

It is also understood that the Vietnamese government has announced at present that it will hold two tenders for floating photovoltaic projects this and next year. It is expected to invite tenders for...

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It's A Good Idea to Put Solar Panels on Water, But Will It Float?

It's A Good Idea to Put Solar Panels on Water, But Will It Float?

  • Nov 24, 2020
  • Hits: 43

It's a good idea to put solar panels on water, but will it float? Although Japan and China are moving forward, acceptance of the technology in the United States is still slow. Winemaker Greg Allen...

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Global Floating PV Market Is Expected To Grow Explosively-Part One

Global Floating PV Market Is Expected To Grow Explosively-Part One

  • Nov 20, 2020
  • Hits: 35

The global floating photovoltaic market is expected to grow explosively. With the global recovery of green energy, photovoltaic industry has become a hot topic. Fitch Solutions, an industry advisory body,...

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Prospect of Floating Wind Power Market In 2030

Prospect of Floating Wind Power Market In 2030

  • Nov 12, 2020
  • Hits: 94

Nowadays, floating PV has entered into a prosperous and relevant stable stage both for solar and wind. Likewise, floating pv mounting system is also very popular. Let’s look at the prospect of floating...

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Floating Solar Plant Is Expected To Be The Third PV Pillar-Pt.2

Floating Solar Plant Is Expected To Be The Third PV Pillar-Pt.2

  • Nov 04, 2020
  • Hits: 46

Thailand: Take Thai Electric Power Authority (EGAT) as an example, it announced in March 2019 that 16 floating solar systems will be built in China by 2037, with a total power generation capacity of 2.7GW....

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Floating Solar Plant Is Expected To Be The Third PV Pillar-Pt.1

Floating Solar Plant Is Expected To Be The Third PV Pillar-Pt.1

  • Oct 27, 2020
  • Hits: 93

With an annual growth rate of 20%, the floating power station installed with 2.6GW in total is expected to become the third pillar of photovoltaic. Floating photovoltaic (FPV) is regarded as the third...

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Russia's First Floating PV Power Station Was Put Into Operation

Russia's First Floating PV Power Station Was Put Into Operation

  • Oct 22, 2020
  • Hits: 47

Russia's first floating photovoltaic power station has been completed recently and put into operation, according to the industry media Photovoltaic Magazine. The project is located in Amur State in...

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India's Floating Solar Market Is Heating Up

India's Floating Solar Market Is Heating Up

  • Oct 15, 2020
  • Hits: 35

Lead: India's floating solar power market is on the rise. In the past two to three months, public sector enterprises (PSU) have conducted a large number of tenders. Among them, NHPC and NHDC have...

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181MW Floating PV Plant in Taiwan, China Obtained Financing

181MW Floating PV Plant in Taiwan, China Obtained Financing

  • Oct 07, 2020
  • Hits: 147

It was reported that 181MW floating PV plant in Taiwan, China obtained financing. According to the lastest news, Chenya Energy Co Ltd, the developer of Taiwan's solar energy project, has received...

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How To Make Photovoltaic Products Float for 25 Years? - Part Two

How To Make Photovoltaic Products Float for 25 Years? - Part Two

  • Sep 26, 2020
  • Hits: 33

2. The challenge of floating photovoltaic on water The biggest challenge of floating photovoltaic on water surface lies not on water surface. The anti PID solutions under high temperature and high humidity...

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How To Make Photovoltaic Products Float for 25 Years? - Part One

How To Make Photovoltaic Products Float for 25 Years? - Part One

  • Sep 16, 2020
  • Hits: 33

How to make photovoltaic products float for 25 years? The range of floating photovoltaic products is very wide, including solar modules, floating solar racks, solar accessories, etc. -On August 8, Shanghai...

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Great Potential! 3GW FPV Plant Can Be Installed In A Colliery Pool

Great Potential! 3GW FPV Plant Can Be Installed In A Colliery Pool

  • Sep 11, 2020
  • Hits: 44

Great potential! 3GW floating solar photovoltaic power station can be installed in a German colliery pool. That means that the need of floating solar PV mounting is large accordingly. The Fraunhofer ISE...

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Brand New Floating Solar Power Park Launched in Holland

Brand New Floating Solar Power Park Launched in Holland

  • Sep 03, 2020
  • Hits: 41

Here is one brand new floating solar power park having been launched in Holland. Let us see it now. Evides Wateredrijf, a Dutch water supplier, has completed the construction of a 1.62 MW floating solar...

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South Korea Invested 2.1GW Solar Project of Floating PV Plant

South Korea Invested 2.1GW Solar Project of Floating PV Plant

  • Aug 27, 2020
  • Hits: 86

South Korea's ambition of floating photovoltaic power station: invest one 2.1GW solar project. This article introduces the main content of this huge solar projects and the relvant challenges including...

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Affected by Covid-19, Seychelles 5MW Floating PV Plant Was Delayed.

Affected by Covid-19, Seychelles 5MW Floating PV Plant Was Delayed.

  • Aug 20, 2020
  • Hits: 24

Affected by covid-19, the construction of Seychelles 5MW floating photovoltaic power station was delayed. Due to the spread of Covid-19, the travel was restricted accordingly and the construction of a...

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